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Review :: Enchantment by Katherine May

Review :: Enchantment by Katherine May

Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age by Katherine May (☆ ☆ ☆)

“Constantly surrounded by conversations, we are nevertheless chronically lonely.” - Katherine May

I listened to this via audiobook and love the author's voice. I also love her writing. Unfortunately, I don't think the anxious age she refers to in her title is that of the current American experience, so the whole book didn't resonate the way I had hoped.

Nevertheless, I appreciate her slant toward spirituality and nature (no religion in this one). I also found endearing (and familiar for me) the references to her own childhood when she was scolded/taught that her art - the art of writing - was seen as unimportant. She intuits the same is true of all deep play of children, and that the world would be better to let us play! I can’t say I disagree. Ultimately, I want to take a lovely, leisurely swim with Katherine May, unhurried and not anxious. She touches on motherhood and women’s careers, and, selfishly, I would have loved to see her deep dive into that source of anxiety a bit more.

Read if you like: Braiding Sweetgrass, Burnout - The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle

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